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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2016 in all areas

  1. Very excited for this...not only did I get one of my favourite tracks of all time before it was snatched up...but I'm hoping to get the jazz collective involed as well. So great to see such enthusiasm for a game that is commonly regarded as a flop by critics. The ost on this game is second to none.
    2 points
  2. Waltz for the Moon and Drifting please I'm up for collab on my instruments too. SAx clarinet guitar piano vocals some trumpet mandolin kazoo
    2 points
  3. Hell yes! I already have some rad ideas for The Landing that I'm going to work on once I get this FF3 track farther along. Well we have very different opinions on Final Fantasy games But in all seriousness I'm psyched that you took Force Your Way. I can see you doing a pretty kick ass remix of that tune. Also depending on what kind of stuff you need, I'd love to be a small part of that massive collab you're talking about (like doing some guitar or bass or something).
    2 points
  4. Ok, I wrote a quick post this morning because I needed to go to work, here's a longer post: A good remix of Force Your Way doesn't exist...yet. The Black Mages version is awful, and the Dissidia Duodecim version doesn't utilize the good points of the theme. There are a few decent ones on Youtube by random people. But none of them is creative enough. The theme has a few awesome elements that are under-utilized even in the actual theme, and that's one of the reasons I don't like Nobuo's compositions and why I rarely remix FF. But I'll make an exception this time because FF8 is the most fun FF game next to FF12 (and FFX-2 if you count spinoffs). What I had in mind will probably require a massive collab. I'll post the exact details once I'm done with a midi arrangement. Force Your Way is by far the best boss theme in the whole FF series (even though, like I said, Nobuo fucked it up), and it deserves treatment as such. Get ready.
    2 points
  5. How about a remix of Mods de Chocobo by all the forum moderators.
    2 points
  6. give me "the castle" thank you
    2 points
  7. Ok, so this is my remix for the Double Dragon Callout. I'd say the arrangement is decent, not so sure about the mixing though. Remix: https://app.box.com/s/9is8gsaxtwveus6g3oq70mag7qrqfsko Source: https://youtu.be/iF91Xulzwdc?list=PL67291BDCD76884B2 Any feedback is welcome!
    1 point
  8. Flight purchased. MAGFEEEEEEEEST
    1 point
  9. It's slight, but I am actually hearing the bass itself more clearly; for instance, if you A/B compare 1:20 - 1:21, there's a touch less low-end clutter from the bass's reverb. The snare's just about the right volume now without stealing the spotlight. Also some really nice new note choices near 2:13. The piano sounds a little clearer now too; it's easiest for me to hear the difference at 2:01 ~ 2:10.
    1 point
  10. Wow super cool! My first thought was SkullGirls!? It sounds so nice, I like how much more full it sounds with your rendition Sorry it's actually critiquing it, but just some small but positive feedback.
    1 point
  11. Intentional, it's a bass pedal note. yeah, good point. I think another solution would be when the piano takes over to play the theme. Hmm, i'll see what i can do. Gonna try adding more variation/fills etc. Will try to vary the melody some more, and maybe one more solo chorus. Thanks for the feedback, also thanks to T-Ape for the kind words!
    1 point
  12. Thank you so much for letting us hear this!! You made an awesome cover! Props on the use of instruments, Props on the jazz chords, Props on the solo, props on the feel, gave me a mafia-like/Lounge/Underground shop feeling.
    1 point
  13. I say just vote for yourself. That's what I did. I don't really feel it hurts anything by doing so.
    1 point
  14. Nice going! I appreciate the invite, but being swamped with other tracks to finish (and having no personal connection whatsoever to this particular FF) I won't be claiming at this point. Doesn't feel necessary at this rate!
    1 point
  15. oh you mean like how it just begs to be arranged with the other two? it's ok, i'm not greedy
    1 point
  16. Man, two awesome sources and I came up blank. Had a short Dreamer WIP but I scrapped it. Congrats to NinjaPirateDan on the big win. Looking forward to next round.
    1 point
  17. "Someone I am is waiting for courage, the one I want, the one I will become will catch me. So let me fall, if I must fall." Failure is how you learn, failure is how you become the next thing you will become--success confirms only what you are, but failure makes you grow. Embrace the opportunity to grow with all your heart.
    1 point
  18. I can't tell whether your vote went through because of the bug, so just vote for yourself if it still lets you. Since there's the same number of votes for each pair, I'm guessing that voting for each pair is required, so everyone else might as well do the same. I'm pretty sure that despite the bug, it will still only allow everyone to vote once. Again, this round was pretty lopsided, so I'm not going to sweat the details unless one of the pairs suddenly turns into a horse race.
    1 point
  19. I'm pretty surprised that Breezy isn't on this list. Looking forward to seeing what other tracks people claim that also aren't on the list. But I do hope someone does a nice Breezy remix
    1 point
  20. I don't even particularly like jazz and I found this to be a great mix! Seriously, beautiful handling of the theme - I got swept into this despite my best intentions. Felt like I was at an easy bar with a nice cocktail. Jazzy enough to call it Jazz-ass, indeed!
    1 point
  21. YESSSSS yes yes yes yes No amounts of likes can go out to this that would ever do it justice. OH by the way if anyone needs any chiptunage for a track they're doing I will be very happy to contribute. I mean, Sam won't need it, of course, but if anyone else needs some chippin' for their studio, my chops are killer.
    1 point
  22. Don't have a recording set up JUST yet, but I'd be interested in doing vocals if someone needs them.
    1 point
  23. You know what to do if you need synths That actually goes for everybody but I'm not sure if many people are interested in a keyboard player that's easily replaced by VSTs haha.
    1 point
  24. Nice source choice. Loved it since Joshua Morse's take. Bass at 00:50 and 1:29 is just going an octave up and down over and over. Is that intentional or just a placeholder? I thought it was a bit strange. Especially with the melody you got in those parts. While I loved the guitar, I wouldn't mind if took a rest so another instrument is dominant in its place. I think a vibraphone could be appropriate. Sometimes it feels like your drums are on auto-pilot. A small break from them before going back to the main melody at 2:14 would've been nice. Soloing 1:54 was a welcome addition. I think if it lasts for a little more it can balance the arrangement a bit, mainly because the source is too dominant. You got the same melody at 0:12, 0:38, 1:16 and 2:14. But there isn't much difference in those sections. Maybe you could trade the guitar for another lead in one of those parts. And/or vary the melody a little, change octaves, etc. 1:42 is a good example of that, as you trick the listener into thinking the melody will be the same as in 1:03. Keep it up. Sounds really promising. Incidentally, when I heard your Sagat WIP a few years back, I knew it was just a matter of time until you had a significant body of work around here.
    1 point
  25. KR Necco

    Undertale - Hotel remix

    Hahaha thanks! I'm already done with the track and updated my orignal post with the finished version. Hope you like it.
    1 point
  26. I'm looking at the track list and the tracks already claimed and all I can say is "wow".
    1 point
  27. gimme silence and motion or compression of time or both
    1 point
  28. Something is very wrong with this post, here... Y'know, Liberi Fatali is a very crucial track for the album. I think making it into a super collab centerpiece for the album would be a very good idea (something like Black Metamorphosis for the FFVII album years back). I may regret it later, but I'd be super on board with helping on a collaboration of that nature for that track, Heaven permitting.
    1 point
  29. It's results time. Total number of mixes - 4 Total number of votes - 8 BarleyWaldorf, Chickenwarlord and MindWanderer voted and get the wooden spoon, with 3,14 points. Trism doubled his voting bonus and got 6,28 points. Supercoolmike missed the bonus scores for title and length and ends with fourth place, with 20,42 points Bundeslang got enough bonus points to win the third place, with 20,71 points Chalis got second place with 24,71 points And the winner of PRC314 is NinjaPenguinDan with 45,71 points. At ThaSauce, scores are rounded. The graph is as follows: Congratulations NinjaPenguinDan, you are the winner. You may select a source for PRC315 which starts as soon as possible after receiving the source. Send your source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before this Sunday (31 January), 10:59 AM ThaSauce time. This year, the person who votes the most times this season will get a bonus in the anniversary edition (excluding me since I always vote). You may select any source for any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links: http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). You can find the votes here: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC314
    1 point
  30. Heh, could have sworn Brandon said he was done doing albums after FFIII. Glad he changed his mind, though! This is shaping up to be one hell of a tracklist already. (Was kind of hoping someone could finagle him into doing an FFMQ rock album next, but this is probably even better.)
    1 point
  31. Well friggin' jeez all the good ones got claimed overnight! (Well, the rest are good too but speak less to me) Hey throw me down for "Maybe I'm a Lion", that's a rad track, though I'll have to try to do a version that's not like the Black Mages version
    1 point
  32. I'd like to get my hands on "Liberi Fatali", in case it's still available. Will probably be challenging, but I think it'll be lots of fun to work on that source.
    1 point
  33. @pu_freak Just FYI I sent you a PM with a revision to the Molgera track. Let me know when you've received this. Thanks.
    1 point
  34. Ok, here's an update: https://app.box.com/s/f2wfwuduknmzond2oj6czgayszzxe2wh - Narrowed the piano a bit - Slightly reduced the reverb of the piano - Less reverb on the bass - Snare should be louder now - Moved some of the bass notes upwards (2:13) Didn't change the kick yet.
    1 point
  35. Making mistakes in my DAW often gives me fresh ideas. Well first of all, if by "pro," you mean me, then look no further than the critique I got on my most recent remix: Anyways, here's my sins laid out for all to see. I have two suggestions for new composers - Study and dissect midi renditions of songs you like in your DAW to see how they work and why, and try writing some songs for piano because it's simpler.
    1 point
  36. Bro. I am so down for Don't Be Afraid. Drop A riffage up in this motherload. I've been jamming on ideas all day. I'll shoot you a WIP as soon as I get the time, but I have so many cool groovy 5/4 riffs to lay down on you. <3 xoxo
    1 point
  37. I really like the combination of the acoustic sounds & the delay in the intro. The feel is very airy and pleasant. However, for my ears the harmony and melody don't work together at all at several points, making a good portion of the tune feel very random. Particularly the chord choices for the acoustic guitar don't seem to support the melody on the piano. This is too bad, the sound and feel of the arrangement are really great. Intro and outro were really nice. Looking forward to future work for sure!
    1 point
  38. Just chiming in to say I've got full faith in @Brandon Strader to bring this one home & do it right... very psyched to see some great names already popping up!
    1 point
  39. What I'd love to hear are the original versions of the music Jackson and the team made before it went through compression and the final processing. Like the original Sonic 1 and 2 songs Masato Nakamura wrote to demo to Sega.
    1 point
  40. Thanks for taking the time to write up some feedback for me, really appreciated. This was probably the hardest track I've had to transcribe so far. Being a classical cellist and not a jazz musician, there were a few places where I was so nearly there with rythms but just a wee tad off, especially in some of the piano parts. I've found working on this track incredibly helpful though, my brother studies a lot of jazz and was able to clear up some of the confusion for me too. Also, me personally, I don't mind the word 'critique', but it just depends on the context, like most words I guess
    1 point
  41. So, we'll live with it for this week. Next week we'll go back to vote-by-post. Asking everyone to just consistently vote for themselves works, but I want people to be able to confirm that they placed their votes the way they intended. I'll start using polls again when 4.1.8 gets installed on the boards and I can confirm that this week's poll behaves properly.
    1 point
  42. No problem! I found it interesting, so I looked around for an example and found this:
    1 point
  43. Hah! Just took a quick listen to Aleix's and I'm fairly sure I lost this one. I really had this nifty idea that I was working on with all ukulele stuff but it just wouldn't have been possible to finish it in time. Good show, Aleix!
    1 point
  44. You sir, have crossed the line. In all seriousness though i'm hijacking this thread to discuss OCR's obvious Pro Nintendo-Anti Sega Agenda. ..and GO! ...ok i'll start. No OCR Genesis controller logo? what is that?! They should at least be interchangeable!
    1 point
  45. Failure is not writing "bad music". Failure is not writing music at all. If you don't like something, just remember its music, music is subjective. and someone somewhere will adore it. Being a composer means writing things you won't necessarily enjoy or like... hell you might not see any merit in it at all. Having a career as a composer is about keeping someone else happy, not yourself. Sometimes that means writing something in your own style, but usually you gotta fit to your brief. Besides, sometimes a mediocre idea can turn into something incredible if you just keep at it. Never give up, never scrap an idea if you can help it. You never know what you'll end up with, or what may happen.
    1 point
  46. Right, but he's saying it would have been nice to learn specific track credits; I agree, we need deeper info, it would be great to learn.
    1 point
  47. I'm not sure I get it. I mean, I love the Sonic games and MJ's music as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure why some people seem to be so emotionally invested in this - demanding closure for how many years? For me it's just kinda like "Cool. MJ wrote music for Sonic 3." and that's it but for many it seems like this is a discovery akin to finally solving how the Egyptians built the pyramids.
    1 point
  48. To be fair, Dracula plans his resurrection every 100 years (but never respects it anyway).
    1 point
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